St. Patrick's Day, March 2013

After finding this wonderful pattern several years ago on the Internet, I wanted to make a St Patrick's day quilt. I apparently bought a shamrock fabric remnant then forgot about it.

This year I was determined to add a St Pat day quilt to my collection of holiday-themed wall hangings for the front hall: Halloween,Fall, Christmas, and Sweater Weather.

Forgetting about my previous purchase and despite my 3-year fabric diet, I bought a yard of the fabric, and made the wall hanging (All the other fabrics came from my stash). I tried to change the pattern instructions to make the pieces larger (and easier to work with), but did not get the dimensions correct on some of the larger strips and had to add extra squares to the design. Then, I did not get the back on straight.

Then I found the original shamrock fabric remnant and decided to do a second wall hanging with this pattern (this time, with the correct dimensions of the larger pieces), and donate the finished quilt to one of the thrift stores where I volunteer. It sold the day after it was priced and displayed.