Ryan's quilt, July 2007 - Nov. 2012

This twin-size quilt was started in a Turning Twenty class taught at Quilters' Refuge in Decatur, Ala. in July 2007 (the class was mostly about cutting fabric, with only a little sewing). After the blocks were completed, most of a month was spent on the individual embroidered motifs: music stand with music, drum, trombone, musical notes, base clef, treble clef. I got the top put together in the late of 2007, and had sandwiched the top, batting and backing together in early 2008. We had our downstairs flood in spring 2008 while I was working on the quilt. It took quite a while to unpin, discard the batting, soak, wash, and rewash the quilt top and back. There were some stains that (mostly from prewashed red fabrics) that would not come out, so I added more embroidered panels with Ryan's full name, degrees, universities, and the date of his marriage. The completed quilt was put away (actually misplaced) for more than 2 years, and finally sent to Ryan for Christmas 2012.