April Showers: Huntsville Botanical Garden Spring Plant Sale, March 2011

This machine-pieced and machine-quilted wall hanging consists of 3 paper-pieced flower strips and leaves, sashed at the sides and bottom with green strips. The pattern is from the book Paper Piecing Picnic by the editors of Quilters Newsletter Magazine.

In the book, this pattern uses a 4 inch block to make four flower stalks with more leaves, mixed color blossoms, and is called Secret Garden. I made the blocks bigger (about 6"), made only 3 flower stalks each in 1 color (pink, purple, coral), and and decreased the number of leaves. The main part is quilted in a varigated silver-blue thread in a diagonal pattern of raindrops, and the border is quilted purple and green in the shapes of simple tulips.

Made for the raffle that is part of the Huntsville Botanical Garden Spring Plant Sale.