I Spy Attic Windows, May 2013

With the still-huge stash of novelty fabrics, I volunteered to make a baby quilt for my friend Diana's new niece or nephew. Diana told me they were doing the nursery in gray tones, so I made the attic windows pattern with some dark and light gray fabrics with white sashing. Diana provided the gray fabric for the back, which I extended with even more squares of novelty fabric. I'm not sure what kind of fabric it was, but even pressed and starched, it was difficult to get smooth on the back --- maybe I just did not cut it straight ? Anyway, it is quilted in simple straight lines in light gray. Since this quilt will be given at the baby shower, there's no label with the baby's name/birthday. I did add a new kind of label -- ironed on to a ribbon and stitched into a corner of the binding.

Other "I Spy" type quilts I've made: Daniel's, Easton's, Andrew's, Evie's, Linley's, Clara's, Jasper's, Aaron's, Emerson and Asa's.

Other "Attic Windows" pattern quilts I've made: Betsy's, Tim's, Halloween, Chris's, The ARK (2002), Norma's.