Acorns Old and New : June 2014

Mary, a friend from my aerobics class, gave me a vintage applique quilt kit from her husband's aunt, likely an uncompleted project from the 1970s (based on the fabric).

There were 6 completed oak leaf-and-acorn applique blocks, and a bag with applique material, all stamped with numbered shapes on the reverse: jade green and dark green (leaves), flowered brown (acorn caps), plain brown (center diamonds), and yellow (acorns), muslin fabric stamped numbered applique outlines and dotted quilting lines.

I paired the completed applique blocks with "Garden of Eden" pieced blocks (Brackman #1932), made using some of the kit's remaining applique fabric. I supplied the solid bright yellow from my own stash since the stamped acorn design showed through the fabric and could not be re-used. The brown squares were also from my stash since only a tiny amount of brown fabric came with the kit (for the little "star" in the center of each block.

After sewing all the blocks together, I added a yellow gingham border. The backing fabric is a brown and green jungly print that was the best I could find from my stash. Quilted in the straight lines printed on the vintage blocks.